1:1 Session
Akashic Records
75 mins
Akashic Records are known as the “Book of Souls” in which the vibrational records of every soul, its experiences, events, from every lifetime, is recorded. When the practitioner is connected to the energy of the records they are receiving messages from the client's personal spiritual masters, teachers, and loved ones. A reading is intended to dignify and elevate the client being read - therefore any information shared from the Akashic record through the practitioner by the masters, teachers, and loved ones, in in the client's highest and greatest good. In a reading, one can learn about soul contracts, past lives, karmic ties, and understand issues of this lifetime from a spiritual perspective, as well as possible ways forward. Readings also transmit a deep healing energy. It is encouraged to ask many questions and to take notes during a reading.
Examples of questions you can ask your records:
What are my unique talents, gifts, and abilities?
Why is a certain person in my life?
What are the best steps for me to find the perfect job?
How may I attract abundance in my life?
What is my soul’s purpose?
What is the best way for me to take care of myself?
What is a better understanding of this person, place or situation?
How can I find or make peace?
It is important to remember that free will trumps all. The information contained in the records can help guide in the decision-making process, but ultimately the decision and choice is the client's to make.
75 mins
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. by stimulating the human energy field to encourage the body's natural healing systems. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."
Reiki is a form of therapy that is classified as "energy medicine" by the National Institutes of Health and National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around the client. Reiki treats the whole person including physical, emotional, spiritual an mental. It is a simple, natural, and safe treatment that has provided fast and often dramatic results.
During a treatment, clients lie fully clothed on a treatment table. The Reiki practitioner gently places their hands along the chakras, endocrine system, and major organs, on the front and back of the body. Touch is not required as the practitioner can yield the same effects from simply hovering their hands a few inches above the body. Clients can also request distant healings. During a distant healing, the practitioner is sending Reiki energy to the client. There is no difference in efficacy between an in-person or a distant healing.
It is important to know that Reiki practitioners do not diagnose medical conditions. Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment, and clients should receive treatment for medical conditions from a licensed medical professional. Reiki is, however an excellent supportive treatment and preventive modality, as it helps to keep the body in a relaxed and balanced state.
60 mins
(Available in Packages Below)
Coaching, unlike counseling or consulting, is designed to help the client address specific personal objectives by understanding present conditions, challenges or obstacles that are in the way, and then designing or choosing the best path forward to the life desired. Coaching is a partnership between coach and client, designed to empower the client and help her or him to re-claim all of her or his power. The client is the expert on his or her life, and is the only one who truly knows what he or she needs. The coach’s responsibility is to ask the right questions, guiding the right process, and utilizing the right techniques and tools to facilitate the client’s journey.
Guiding Light coaching is expertly designed to coach clients through a myriad life aspects and goals. Typically, clients have sought our coaching programs out to:
Gain confidence and self-esteem
Break old patterns that no longer serve them; re-write stories and scripts
Make a meaningful career change
Discover and live their true purpose
Master life-work integration
Gain clarity on Identity – the true “I Am”
Master and manage personal “Hot Buttons” – gain emotional control
Live a full life- spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically
Thrive through change and transition
Achieve and maintain optimal health